NLCB supports parang

Los Amigos Cantadores
Los Amigos Cantadores

In its effort to continue supporting initiatives towards the preservation and promotion of our culture, the National Lotteries Control Board (NLCB) has assisted with sponsorship to the National Parang Association of Trinidad and Tobago (NPATT).

NLCB’s contribution will go towards the hosting of NPATT’s Spanish Fusion and its National Youth Parang Festival. Spanish Fusion is a series of events hosted by NPATT to assist with raising money for the its Building Fund. Every month a different band is featured with live performances at the Arima Velodrome.

The NPATT’s National Youth Parang Festival looks at the future parranderos and encourages participation of young musicians and singers at primary and secondary school levels. The festival is highly contested and often attracts young adults who already have friends and family performing in senior parang bands.

Additionally, NLCB has provided support to Paramin’s Los Paramininos over the next year.

Chairman of the NLCB, Marvin Johncilla believes that it is important to consistently support parang in and out of season. “One of NLCB’s focus is to ensure the artistic and cultural elements of Trinidad and Tobago are well preserved,” Johncilla said in a media release.


“Parang is a beloved art form that was created here and is associated with the warmth and happiness of this country. But more important, it is part of the Spanish legacy that helps define the people of Trinidad and Tobago. The NLCB is pleased to partner with these organisations to further support and develop parang.”


"NLCB supports parang"

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