Bmobile, Neptune collab aims to provide nonstop broadband

Kent Western -
Kent Western -

DOWNTIME is not just an inconvenience – it’s a direct threat to business operations, revenue and reputation. Whether it’s a bank unable to process transactions, an energy company losing visibility of its assets, or a manufacturing plant falling behind schedule, the impact is immediate and costly.

“We can’t control when disruptions happen, but we can control how we respond,” said TSTT CEO Kent Western as he introduced a new solution aimed at eliminating such risks.

Bmobile Business has entered into a strategic partnership with Barbados-based Neptune Communications to deliver satellite broadband services in TT.

The partnership, launched at the Hyatt Regency in Port of Spain on February 11, provides businesses with a backup system that ensures uninterrupted connectivity, in all weather conditions, even if fibre or mobile networks fail.

Western acknowledged that despite ongoing investment in infrastructure, challenges persist.


A tree falls. Roadworks damage a cable. Vandalism, cyberattacks or natural disasters disrupt operations.

“The impact is immediate – a bank can’t process transactions, an energy company loses visibility of its assets, or a manufacturing plant falls behind,” he said.

Neptune’s solution integrates low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite technology into bmobile’s business offerings, ensuring reliable redundancy.

“This isn’t about replacing fibre or mobile networks – it’s about strengthening them. With satellite solutions, your backup system automatically takes over when the primary network goes down. No disruptions. No waiting. No lost revenue,” Western said.

The partnership is expected to benefit industries where constant connectivity is critical. Offshore energy companies will gain access to broadband in remote areas beyond traditional networks. Financial institutions will be able to process transactions without interruption, ensuring seamless customer experiences.

Businesses that rely on cloud services will maintain continuous access to mission-critical applications. Manufacturers and health-care providers will secure stable network access, preventing costly delays and errors.

Government agencies will also have a reliable communications channel, particularly in times of crisis.

The financial impact of downtime extends beyond immediate losses, Western warned.

“Downtime means lost revenue, stalled operations, and reputational damage. The costs add up quickly. Compare that to the value of uninterrupted service. With the right redundancy in place, you can operate with confidence, knowing you're protected against disruptions.”


Neptune Communications, which holds a ten-year concession to operate public international and domestic fixed wireless (via satellite) telecommunications networks and services in TT, brings extensive experience in providing resilient communication solutions.

The company’s regional footprint extends across Barbados, Jamaica, and the wider Caribbean.

CEO and founder Julian Jordan previously vowed Neptune’s commitment to delivering “highly resilient, secure broadband to this part of the world,” particularly in times of crisis.

The company sees its role as supporting the country’s digital transformation agenda, a vision reinforced by Minister of Digital Transformation Hassel Bacchus and Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales who attended the launch.

In 2023, the Telecommunications Authority of TT granted Neptune Communications approval to provide its services locally.

The company offers LEO satellite connectivity with significantly lower latency than traditional geostationary (GEO) satellites – below 100 milliseconds – making it a viable alternative for businesses requiring real-time data transmission.

Advances in satellite technology have also made high-speed connections of up to 350 Mbps possible, with costs now competitive with terrestrial networks.


"Bmobile, Neptune collab aims to provide nonstop broadband"

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