UNC candidate blocks Central Bank from firing him

A CENTRAL Bank chauffeur has received a late-night injunction to stop the bank from firing him because of his candidacy for August 14 local government election.
Lyndon De Gannes is the UNC’s candidate for Malabar North.
Just before 8 pm on Friday, Justice Kevin Ramcharan granted the injunction which prevents the bank from firing De Gannes.
He is represented by a team of attorneys led by former attorney general Anand Ramlogan, SC.
De Gannes has been with the bank for over 28 years.
His injunction application said his role as a chauffeur does not impact on the CBTT’s functions. He was screened and selected as the Opposition’s candidate for a seat in the Arima Borough Corporation.
De Gannes filed his nomination with the Elections and Boundaries Commission on Monday and two days later, he received a letter from the bank reminding him of the bank’s code of conduct and common terms of conditions of employment which prevents employees from running for political office.
The code says while the bank encourages employees to exercise their civil rights, it must operate in an objective, impartial and balanced manner and be seen to be politically independent so employees cannot run for or hold political, local government, borough council or parliamentary office .
He was given until Friday to confirm his withdrawal as a candidate for the election.
De Gannes wrote the bank asking for time to consider his position, but when he was not given any, he filed a constitutional claim which also asked for an injunction.
He said he was at the horns of a dilemma since he is being forced to choose between serving his community and country and to keep his job.
De Gannes also said the bank’s regulation did not prevent workers from participating in political activities as many openly campaign for their parties at rallies.
His constitutional motion contends the prohibition against running for political office was unfair and irrational.
He also says he is a low-level employee who is not involved in policy making or the management of the bank.
De Gannes’ claim says since nomination day has passed, if he withdraws his candidacy now, the UNC will be deprived of having a candidate in the Malabar North District.
“This outcome has a deleterious impact on the principles of democracy…The UNC, one of the countries two main political parties and the current official opposition in the Parliament, would be illegally and unconstitutionally denied the opportunity to field a candidate in a district of its choice.”
The injunction application says if one was granted, the bank will suffer no prejudice since De Gannes can take vacation leave or no pay leave during the campaign or until his lawsuit is determined.
"UNC candidate blocks Central Bank from firing him"