PM defends endorsement of Des Vignes for Diego Martin West, blazes 'media mischief-makers'

THE Prime Minister has defended his endorsement of Hans Des Vignes as his potential replacement for the constituency of Diego Martin West, ahead of his facing the PNM screening committee, which Rowley heads, and blazed members of the media who dared to ask about a possible conflict of interest.
Rowley became enraged, accusing the media of “making mischief” and interfering in PNM business, after a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the City Heights Apartment building, San Fernando, on February 7.
He became livid when the question was put to him, telling the media his party business was not their business.
“I am a functioning member of a party group in Diego Martin West of the People's National Movement (PNM), and if someone can show me where I lose my right in my party group to choose a nominee, then I will accede to what you are alluding to,” he said.
Rowley has announced his departure from active politics and his intention to relinquish his position as Prime Minister, endorsing one of his Cabinet ministers, Stuart Young, as his successor.
As MP for Diego Martin West, he has served for 34 years. Des Vignes is his pick to replace him as a candidate in the general election.
At a farewell party in his constituency on February 1, Rowley told supporters he was leaving them in good “Hans.”
Temporary government senator Yokymma Bethelmy has tossed her hat into the ring as one of the contenders for this seat.
Foreign and Caricom Affairs Minister Dr Amery Browne initially put his name forward but later withdrew his nomination.
When screening for the constituency becomes due, it is expected Rowley will sit at the head of the screening committee to choose his successor.
Asked if he would recuse himself in the circumstances, where he has already made his choice known, Rowley sidestepped the question but engaged in a tirade against reporters.
“Since when you all so interested in PNM business? My party group business is your business?" he asked. “Why should I?
“Maybe I should recuse myself from being a member of party group 28 as well. As a matter of fact, I should recuse myself from being a member of the PNM.
“Only when you all want to make mischief you are interested in PNM business. We have had so many events, so many issues going on I’ve never seen all of you (members of the media), but when you get a little opportunity to make mischief, man, you busy like a bee.”
Surrounded by members of his government, including Camille Robinson-Regis, Rohan Sinanan, Foster Cummings, Penelope Beckles-Robinson, Faris Al-Rawi, Kazim Hosein, Brian Manning and Donna Cox, he sought to clarify his constitutional right.
“I am a member of a party group. That party group has the constitutional right to its members, like me, to nominate one person. I don’t know that I have prevented anybody from being nominated, so what you talking about?
“What is your problem? What is your issue? What is your concern, expect to make mischief in the PNM?
“I will tell you one thing: PNM members and supporters smarter than that, because this is just an interference to create mischief.
“We have a constitution. I don’t know that you belong to any PNM party group, but you are concerned and attempting to make a national issue about my comment, in my constituency, in my party group, where I have a democratic right – because the word democratic always comes up – but apparently, I lose mine. I have lost my democratic right to function in my party group.
"Maybe I should tell my party group don’t nominate anybody, because the media will say there is conflict.
Since when you so interested in the PNM business?” he asked, before moving on to another question.
Trinidad and Tobago will go to the polls later this year. It is left to be seen whether Rowley or Young will announce the date. The PNM has selected 37 of the 41 candidates to date.
Other parties, including the Opposition UNC, are continuing their screening in preparation for the general election.
"PM defends endorsement of Des Vignes for Diego Martin West, blazes ‘media mischief-makers’"