Great times appear to be ahead for Trinidad and Tobago

Stuart Young. - File photo
Stuart Young. - File photo

THE EDITOR: Addressing secondary school students at the Heroes Foundation awards ceremony at Government Campus Plaza, prime minister-designate Stuart Young said he wants to change the country’s current education system, shifting from the colonial structure to one that’s more relatable to our culture.

He said, "One of the things I’m planning for the future is how do we change the educational curriculum. How do we intervene now and start to shed ourselves of the colonial curriculum that we have? How do we make it more relevant today to give our future citizens the best opportunities, not only here, but globally?"

Young promised that the youths will play a pivotal role in his plans for the country when he becomes prime minister.

In previous letters, I reiterated the need for a change in the education system and the curriculum. Therefore, Young's intentions resonate deeply with me.

Most citizens would agree that TT has a unique and diverse culture, high in quality and strong enough to be incorporated in such a way that we can educate ourselves and our children to become the best the world has seen.


Under the leadership of Young and the ideas put forward by citizens as a united people, there is no doubt that we can create further and permanent development of our country by educating our children. Remember, a country's greatest asset is its people.

Many citizens also wish to see the SEA exam abolished and replaced with a less stressful process for students entering secondary school. Perhaps by assessing students throughout their primary school journey instead of the stress of one major exam.

As the prime minister-designate said, “Get on to the wave that will come. Let us start to build the momentum that we need to take TT forward, and I look forward to engaging with you, the young people, to hear your views, to hear your thoughts, to hear what it is you think we should be thinking of in our decision-making as we go forward to build our Trinidad and Tobago, because no person, no one group has any entitlement to TT. It is ours.”

Great times seem to be ahead.


San Fernando


"Great times appear to be ahead for Trinidad and Tobago"

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