Penal/Debe corporation wants $$ to deal with dengue

Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi - File photo by Angelo Marcelle
Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi - File photo by Angelo Marcelle

THE Penal/Debe Regional Corporation (PDRC) is asking Rural Development and Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi, SC, to assist it in getting outstanding money it needs to deal with dengue within its jurisdiction.

La Fortune/Debe North councillor Krishna Persadsingh made this request at a news conference at the PDRC's office in Debe on Thursday.

Persadsingh, chairman of the PDRC's physical infrastructure committee, claimed the corporation did not receive its full allocations for uniforms, materials and supplies and short-term employment for the current financial year to help it address public health matters such as dengue.

Information provided by Persadsingh showed the PDRC was allocated $200,000, $275,000 and $2,000 for the purchase of uniforms, the purchase of chemicals and equipment parts and short-term employment of workers for public health purposes.

He said to date, the corporation has received releases of $62,685, $56,127 and $1,225 for each of these areas.

"These are with ten weeks to go in the current financial year. That is 80 per cent of the financial year completed and no real releases to tackle the public health issues with a shortfall of $1,131,188."

Persadsingh also said the corporation was only allocated $11,500,000 in its development budget for building drains and culverts.

He claimed none of this money had been released to the PDRC.

"The PDRC is again stifled to address drainage issues. The impact is twofold. Firstly, mosquito breeding grounds and secondly, flooding."

Persadsingh also claimed that 99 watercourses within the Penal/Debe area have not been maintained or cleaned. He said these water courses fall under the purview of the Works and Transport Ministry.

Despite these challenges, he continued, the PDRC is doing its best to tackle dengue in the area.

"The PDRC, led by chairman Gowtam Maharaj, has developed a vigorous schedule targeting 1,000 households daily for fogging in an effort to prevent further spread of the disease and death."

Persadsingh said the corporation has also written to Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram requesting information from the Health Ministry's surveillance unit to make informed decisions for its dengue control efforts.

He expressed concern about a recurrence of flooding in the area in the coming days and a possible increase in dengue cases.

Persadsingh repeated calls by Maharaj to Al-Rawi, Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh and Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan to partner with the PDRC to tackle this problem.

Siparia Mayor Doodnath Mayhroo said the Siparia Borough Corporation (SBC) was facing similar challenges.

To date, he continued, the SBC has received reports of 275 suspected dengue cases within its jurisdiction.

He said spraying was done at 399, 512 and 840 premises in Icacos, San Francique and SS Erin Road (from Penal Quinam Road to Syne Village, Penal) to date.

Mayhroo told the media he was aware that the Health Ministry is scheduled to hold a meeting with public health officials from all 14 local government corporations on July 19.

He was hopeful there would be clear strategies developed at this meeting to deal with dengue.


"Penal/Debe corporation wants $$ to deal with dengue"

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