Barrackpore man chopped outside bar

The San Fernando General Hospital. - File photo by Ayanna Kinsale
The San Fernando General Hospital. - File photo by Ayanna Kinsale

POLICE are investigating an incident where a Barrackpore coconut vendor was attacked and chopped while exiting a bar in the night on May 15.

The victim, 36, of Rochard Road, Barrackpore, told police he was on his way home when he stopped in a bar along Clarke Road, Penal to buy a pack of cigarettes. However, when he exited, he saw a Kia 2700 blocking his vehicle and three men coming towards him. They were armed with a cutlass, a glass bottle and a piece of iron respectively.

The man was able to escape his attackers and hid in some nearby bushes until the men jumped back into their vehicle and escaped.

The victim made a report at the Penal police station and was taken to the Siparia District Health Facility before being transferred to the San Fernando General Hospital. Doctors told police the victim had three lacerations to the head and injuries to his arm and leg.


"Barrackpore man chopped outside bar"

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