Port of Spain General Hospital NICU baby death toll up to 11

TWO sets of twins have brought to 11 the number of babies who died at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at the Port of Spain General Hospital of suspected bacterial infections.
The babies died between February 22 and April 9.
A list of the names of the babies, their parents and the dates of their deaths was included in a pre-action protocol letter
to attorneys representing the North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA), which is responsible for the hospital’s management.
On April 13, former attorney general Anand Ramlogan, SC, and attorneys from his Freedom Law Chambers said they proposed to “file an unprecedented class action claim for medical negligence based on the mass death of seven innocent babies.”
Since then, the attorneys say more families have come forward and the number of casualties has jumped to 11.
Wednesday’s letter was sent on behalf of Farah Rattansingh of Sangre Grande, who gave birth to twins – Amari and Kyrie George – on January 6, at the Sangre Grande Hospital at 28 weeks' gestation.
The babies were transferred to the PoSGH, where they died on February 22 and 26.
The other twins were Ella and Esme Molino, born to Jodie and Travis Molino. They died on March 18 and April 4, according to the list their attorneys provided with the permission of the parents.
“We shall continue to issue more pre-action letters when we are finished interviewing these clients,” the attorneys said.
Attorneys for the families have made it clear they will not attend any meetings with NWRHA officials until their concerts are addressed and they get their children’s medical notes and records.
So far Freedom Law has sent five pre-action letters, the most recent on Wednesday.
It said after baby Kyrie was admitted to the NICU, he was intubated to help with his breathing. He had a high Apgar score, a test given to newborns soon after birth which checks the baby’s heart rate, muscle tone and other signs to see if medical care is needed.
The letter said weeks later, staff at the hospital started to wean Kyrie off the chest tubes.
However, it said when his mother visited the baby, she noticed he had started to bleed from the rib area.
Kyrie was again intubated and staff allegedly told his parents 97 per cent of his body was filled with carbon dioxide.
Two weeks later, an attempt was made to remove the intubator and the chest tubes, the letter said.
“Alarmingly, Farah and father Christopher Bhagan were not informed of the removal of the chest tubes. Farah instructs that she had visited her baby at the NICU one day to just see the tubes removed.”
The letter said the baby’s health improved and he started breathing on his own. The parents were assured all was well.
On February 20, the parents noticed the baby “looking down,” but this was dismissed as normal, the letter said. Rattansingh also noticed Kyrie’s oxygen levels dropping. The next day, they found their baby with “tubes down his throat and plastic all over him.”
They were told his platelets were dropping, he was on antibiotics and the IV (intravenous) access had to be changed because “it may have had bacteria on it,” the letter added.
The couple left but received a call later that night from the hospital.
“When Farah and Chris arrived...they were greeted with what they described as a scene from a horror movie.”
Kyrie was resuscitated by a team of doctors and by midnight his heart started beating again. His relieved parents left, but got a call three hours later.
“They were then told the horrendous news that their precious baby Kyrie had passed away...
“Farah and Chris enquired about the infection that Kyrie died from, and the doctors and nurses just told her that they would get back to her. However, to date, no one ever reached out to them.”
Baby Amari also had a high Apgar score. However, two weeks into his admission, his parents were told he “may have (got) an infection.”
Rattansingh was told one of the nurses “accidentally fed another woman’s breast milk to Amari.”
They were assured everything was fine and “mistakes do happen.”
The next day, the parents were told Amari had an infection. The bacterium involved was identified as klebsiella.
A few days later, they were told the baby was doing well and the infection had cleared.
This changed days later and the parents were told Amari was showing signs of the same infection, so he had to be isolated and intubated, the letter said.
It said on February 26, Rattansingh noticed blood coming up the tube in his chest. “Amari then had a seizure, and the doctors then informed Farah that his platelets were low and they needed to do a scan on his brain.”
His condition deteriorated and on February 26, he died.
“Our client instructs that the doctors tried their best to resuscitate him. However, his heart stopped, and they tragically lost their other baby.”
The letter emphasised the need for improved customer care, since it said the parents have complained of the cruel treatment they had received.
Official responses to date
Last week, in a statement, the NWRHA said from April 4-7, staff at the NICU observed “a rapid deterioration in the clinical status of several neonates.”
The release did not identify the number of babies affected, but said only that several premature babies had died in four days from bacterial infection.
It said, "Laboratory investigations revealed the presence of three different organisms...all known to pose significant risks to vulnerable neonates.
“Despite administering high-dose antibiotics and providing advanced and intensive cardio-respiratory support, the infection claimed the lives of some of these preterm babies."
On Tuesday, Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh and attorneys for the NWRHA said medical notes and records would be supplied by April 17 at the latest.
NAME OF BABY.........................NAME OF PARENTS.......................................DATE OF DEATH
Kae’ Jhene Kerniah Charles.......Shaniya Raymond-Adams/ Kerron Charles..........April 6
Crystell Precious Miracle............Shirese Moore-Beckles/ Rondell Beckles...........April 6
Aarya Raya Chatergoon..............Danyelle Samaroo/Avinash Chatergoon..............April 5
Ella Luccia Molino........................Jodie Molino/Travis Molino...............................March 18
Esme Molino.................................Jodie Molino/Travis Molino................................April 4
Amelia Williams...........................Tinelle Saunders/Gus Williams............................April 2
Romani Williams..........................Shaquille Harry/Kadeem Williams ......................April 6
Skiye Samue................................Natasha Samuel/Brent Wilson...............................April 9
Jayden Allister Pierre................Nandaranie Nathoo/Allister Pierre........................March 16
Amari Bhagan.............................Farah Rattansingh/Christopher Bhagan..................February 26
Kyrie George Bhagan.................Farah Rattansingh/Christopher Bhagan..................February 22
"Port of Spain General Hospital NICU baby death toll up to 11"