Attorneys ask about baby transferred to Port of Spain General Hospital NICU before 11 deaths

ATTORNEYS for the families of the babies who died at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at the Port of Spain General Hospital (PoSGH) want to know the status of a baby who was allegedly transferred there from a private institution.
On April 11, the North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) revealed in a statement that from April 4-7, there had been a rapid “deterioration in the clinical status of several neonates” and they had died.
The cause of their deaths is said to have been bacterial infections.
Two days later, attorneys from Freedom Law chambers, led by former attorney general Anand Ramlogan, SC, issued a pre-action protocol letter which spoke of a baby transferred from a private hospital to the NICU at the PoSGH.
On April 18, another pre-action protocol letter was sent to the NWRHA on behalf of Jodie and Travis Molino, parents of twin girls Ella Luccia and Esme, who died on March 18 and April 4.
The letter asked for information on the baby allegedly transferred from the private institution to the PoSGH.
“Why was this baby not properly isolated to minimise the risk of transmission? Why was the medical staff not wearing proper PPE (personal protective equipment) and washing their hands and properly sanitising in accordance with the established and required healthcare protocols for the NICU? What is the present status of this baby?
“Did that baby die or was the PoSGH able to save that baby’s life? And if so, why was similar care not afforded or given to our clients’ healthy babies who did not have any form of infection at the time they were placed in the NICU?”
April 18’s letter came on the same day the NWRHA announced that the head of the infection prevention control unit at the PoSGH had been suspended.
A statement from the authority said its board had determined that the head of the unit would be sent on administrative leave pending the outcome of investigations into the presence of several types of bacterium in the NICU. This led to the infection and subsequent deaths of seven newborn babies between April 4 and 9.
The NWRHA said as the investigation progressed, it would make further recommendations for suspension if such action was deemed necessary.
“The authority also wishes to advise that it will make a further statement as it relates to the additional neonates for whom it has also received pre-action protocol letters,” the statement added.
On April 17, Freedom Law’s attorneys, who said they intended to file a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the parents of the babies who died at the NICU, revealed the number of deaths, according to their instructions, so far, had reached 11.
April 18’s letter again questioned the delay in providing the babies’ medical notes and records despite Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh's promise in Parliament on April 15 that they would be made available on April 16 or April 17 at the latest.
The NWRHA was given a deadline of April 15.
The authority’s attorneys said the records were being photocopied and scanned.
The letter also said the families were pleased the NWRHA had agreed to pay for the costs of private psychological counselling for them.
However, the letter added, “It is disappointing, however, that no other form of financial assistance was offered for the grieving mothers and we therefore anxiously await your proposal in this regard and we refuse to believe that the NWRHA could find money to hire one of the largest law firms in the country to seek its interest but cannot offer one red cent by way of assistance or compensation to these families.”
The letter again called for “full and frank” disclosure of the number of babies who died at the NICU from January 1 to the present.
Ella and Esme’s short lives
After two miscarriages in 2021 and 2022, Jodie and Travis Molino were elated when they got the “miraculous news that Jodie was pregnant with twin babies” in 2023.
“To Jodie and Travis, this felt like none other than divine intervention,” the letter said. The girls were born on March 18 via caesarean section at 28 weeks' gestation.
The letter said when Ella was admitted to the NICU, she was intubated and required a blood transfer.
The couple then got the devastating news that Ella was not responding to the medication and had died.
“Their world shattered in an instant. However, they accepted the explanation of Ella's demise as being solely attributed to her extreme prematurity, and resolved to honour Ella's memory by accepting that her spirit would live through Esme.”
The letter said the couple, still heartbroken, continued to visit Esme daily. But on March 22 they were told Esme’s blood count had “suddenly” dropped.
Two days later, the letter said the couple was told Esme was doing better and had been removed from ventilator incubation support.
Baby Esme, an active preemie (premature baby), took a turn for the worse and on April 4, the letter said her mother noticed she was looking pale and lethargic.
That night, Esme’s condition deteriorated.
“They saw their little angel surrounded by several doctors, receiving a blood transfusion. Jodie and Travis were gutted upon seeing this.”
Shortly after, the letter said doctors delivered the “most heart-breaking news” that baby Esme could not be resuscitated as too much blood was going into her lungs.
“Jodie and Travis were devastated...
“With recent developments in the media shedding new light on their tragic loss, Jodie and Travis find themselves grappling with unsettling questions surrounding the circumstances of their babies' deaths,” the letter said.
“To this day, Jodie and Travis have not received confirmation in terms of what infection Esme contracted.
“It ought to be noted that after experiencing the pain of two miscarriages, and now the loss of their twin babies in such a short space of time, Jodie and Travis cannot bring themselves to have another baby. The couple’s dreams of expanding their family have been shattered.”
Baby deaths at Port of Spain General Hospital
NAME OF BABY......................NAME OF PARENTS.......................DATE OF DEATH
Kae’ Jhene Kerniah Charles.......Shaniya Raymond-Adams/ Kerron Charles..........April 6
Crystell Precious Miracle............Shirese Moore-Beckles/ Rondell Beckles...........April 6
Aarya Raya Chatergoon..............Danyelle Samaroo/Avinash Chatergoon..............April 5
Ella Luccia Molino........................Jodie Molino/Travis Molino...............................March 18
Esme Molino.................................Jodie Molino/Travis Molino................................April 4
Amelia Williams...........................Tinelle Saunders/Gus Williams............................April 2
Romani Williams..........................Shaquille Harry/Kadeem Williams ......................April 6
Skiye Samue................................Natasha Samuel/Brent Wilson...............................April 9
Jayden Allister Pierre................Nandaranie Nathoo/Allister Pierre........................March 16
Amari Bhagan.............................Farah Rattansingh/Christopher Bhagan..................February 26
Kyrie George Bhagan.................Farah Rattansingh/Christopher Bhagan..................February 22
"Attorneys ask about baby transferred to Port of Spain General Hospital NICU before 11 deaths"