Disrepair of Petit Valley road alarming
THE EDITOR: Open letter to Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan.
I write to bring urgent attention to the deplorable condition of Morne Coco Road in Petit Valley. The state of disrepair is alarming and it is disheartening to witness the neglect of such a crucial thoroughfare.
I implore you to take a personal drive through Petit Valley and witness first-hand the challenges residents and commuters face daily.
Gerard Duval has aptly expressed the dire situation in his letters, shedding light on the issues plaguing Morne Coco Road. Regrettably, despite the public outcry and media coverage, no substantial action has been taken to address these concerns.
As a concerned citizen, I question where our collective pride lies when a vital street like Morne Coco Road is left in such a lamentable state. The road's condition not only hampers the daily lives of residents but also poses potential risks to safety.
I urge you to rise to the occasion, prioritise the well-being of the community and initiate immediate measures to address the road's degradation.
The residents of Petit Valley deserve a commitment to improvement and the fulfilment of the responsibilities entrusted to your office.
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"Disrepair of Petit Valley road alarming"