Steady trickle of voters at Valencia, Sangre Grande polling stations

As thousands of voters are expected to take part in the local government elections today, polling stations in Valencia and Sangre Grande saw a steady trickle of voters throughout the morning.
Despite some confusion over polling station locations, most voters reported a smooth process.
Newsday spoke with several voters, who expressed satisfaction with the efficiency of the polling stations.
No major discrepancies were reported, apart from some minor issues regarding a few individuals being unsure of their assigned polling stations
The typical early-morning rush of voters was notably absent.

In the initial hours after opening, the number of voters seemed relatively low. However, a notable increase in turnout was observed at Guaico Government Primary School.
An official there revealed that the current election was seeing a higher number of voters compared to the last election.
Meanwhile, Sangre Grande SDA, Valencia RC, and St Charles RC polling stations experienced a consistent flow of voters trickling in one at a time.
Despite light showers, as the day progresses, it is expected that more voters will make their way to the polling stations.
"Steady trickle of voters at Valencia, Sangre Grande polling stations"