PM urges citizens to come out for local elections: 'Don't follow Kamla's 'matic talk'

IN his last message before the local government elections on Monday, the Prime Minister strongly urged PNM supporters to deny the UNC any opportunity to maintain control over boroughs or local government operations.
Speaking at the PNM rally at Macoya grounds, Dr Rowley, the party's leader, said, “They are taking dangerous stupidness in the country about (auto)’matic and how to knock and how to shoot and then come on a platform and telling our boys and girls about 'matic and shoot.
“I want us to come out and vote that ‘matic-lady out of office in TT. Because it is the fault of those that put her (Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar) there.
He describes the campaign leading up to Monday's election as a long and rough one, plastered with “attempts to slander his name."
However, he added: “I don’t mind being slandered but I do mind being slandered by people who themselves are people who have questions to answers and are subject of the police.
Rowley said he is confident the candidates presented by the PNM will come out victorious at the polls.
“When we went to Sangre Grande we have to let the people there know to please do not re-elect some of those names of those UNC councillors because they are in the hands and the sight of the police."
On July 31, during the UNC’s Monday Night Forum, Persad-Bissessar came under heavy criticism after presenting the UNC’s stand-your-ground proposal.

While referring to an incident where a Chaguanas home-owner shot and killed a bandit on July 26, Persad-Bissessar said, "When the criminals invade your home, draw your licensed firearm and light them up! Empty the whole clip and reload too. Fight fire with fire."
Days after, Persad-Bissessar said she was unapologetic over her "light them up" statement advocating the public's right to use licensed firearms in a stand-your-ground defence. She further reiterated her call for licensed firearm holders to "light them up."
She further said: "You have to load up your (auto) 'matic and then knock it on them again and again."
At Saturday’s rally, Rowley called for citizens to reject and ignore this advice.
“When they calling on the young people to know the (auto) ‘matic and fire bullets and empty clip,...I want to call on all our young people especially your young men – especially our young men of African descent – put down the damn gun. You are causing enough pain to your mother, community, neighbour and your country.”
He urged his supporters not to think for one minute that the PNM has it in the bag. “Do not treat your contributions lightly. Elections are important and elections matter.”
“I would like you to have the satisfaction from August 15 of a significant development in our nation.”
He was referring to the local-government reform proposal to make local government more efficient and effective. The Government is planning to adopt a module similar to the structure of the THA to enhance local-government operations.
At the rally, thousands of PNM supporters overflowed the grounds, many proudly waved their party flags high above their heads, creating a sea of vibrant red, white, and black.
The air was filled with horns blaring, and posters of several the party's 141 candidates.
With the introduction of each candidate, a chant swept through the air, “We coming, we coming, we coming."
"PM urges citizens to come out for local elections: ‘Don’t follow Kamla’s ‘matic talk’"