Paray questions timing, scaled down road repair in Manzanilla

A crew on site for the start of construction of a five kilometre stretch along the Manzanilla Mayaro Road on Friday. - ROGER JACOB
A crew on site for the start of construction of a five kilometre stretch along the Manzanilla Mayaro Road on Friday. - ROGER JACOB

MAYARO MP Rushton Paray is questioning the timing of restoration work of five kilometers of the Manzanilla Mayaro Road, two weeks before the local elections.

He is also questioning the reduction in the distance to be repaired from a promised 10 kilometers to five.

He said last December there was a commitment from Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan to initiate restoration to the 10 km roadway known as “the Coconuts.”

There was also a commitment that the road repair would have been broken up into five packages.

On Friday, Sinanan led a technical team from the ministry to the site at the Manzanilla Mayaro Road where permanent infrastructure works commenced, earmarked for completion within five months.


He announced contracts have been awarded to Carib Asphalt Pavers, Namalco and KallCo to undertake the project which would entail construction of a five kilometre roadway which collapsed during heavy rainfall and flooding in November 2022.

Paray told the Newsday on Saturday he was a bit disappointed that neither he nor his colleague Dr Rai Ragbir, MP for Cumuto/Manzanilla, whose constituents are affected by the collapse of the road, were informed or invited to attend the start of construction on Friday.

This especially when, “The minister made it his business to invite myself and MP Ragbir when they commissioned the Bypass.

“Unfortunately, he did not see the wisdom to inform the two MPs of the restoration of this very critical piece of roadway.”

Paray explained, “When Mr Sinanan indicated that a new road was to be constructed, he indicated a 10 km new road from the Manzanilla Beach Resort to the Long (Mitan) Bridge.”

“Based on what I read in the media, he is now indicating five kilometres of road at a cost of $70 million.

“While I am pleased that the work on the new road has started, I have to ask where the other 5km is. Why was it dropped off?”

Paray said he would like to understand what the design of the new road is.

“What mechanism will be put in place to avoid another collapse? At $14 million per kilometre, I have to ask for an explanation of the layered cost per km.


“As MP, I look forward to the completion in five months as this will have positive impact on the local economy here in Mayaro.”

Pointing out that he has been clamouring inside and outside of the Parliament for the repair of this road, “I find it strange two weeks before the election, they come with all this heavy equipment to start cleaning debris.”

Sinanan said on Thursday the roadworks had nothing to do with the election season. He said the ministry had begun a massive road rehabilitation programme in January and this would continue for the next few years.


"Paray questions timing, scaled down road repair in Manzanilla"

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