National Drama Association hosts meeting to develop insurance plan
The National Drama Association of TT (NDATT) is inviting all creative and cultural workers to a meeting with an insurance provider to develop a group insurance plan.
The meeting will take place on August 5 from 10 am at the Helen May Johnstone Room, Queen's Hall, Port of Spain.
Knowing that it is difficult to find a solution to the problem of insurance plans for life, health and pension, NDATT has engaged representatives of an insurance provider to develop a group policy for its members, said a media release.
Some benefits include: lower premiums as part of a group plan than for an individual plan; pension: income after retirement; life: your family will have enough money to cover your funeral expenses and some additional money accordingly; and, health: reduced costs for doctors visits, eyes and dental procedures.
NDATT president Safa Niamat-Ali said in the release, "At present, theatre practitioners who are considered self-employed can't make NIS payments for themselves. Unless you have some other form of employment and your employer makes the payments on your behalf, you won't be eligible for NIS benefits while working and after retirement. Some of the benefits provided by NIS include sickness, maternity, invalidity, funeral grant, retirement, and employment injury."
NDATT secretary Paula Lindo noted that "the government pension distributed through the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services is a grant and there's no guarantee that you will receive this.
"Additionally, there has been much difficulty in finding individual insurance plans that are flexible and affordable, and accommodate the needs of theatre practitioners."
Interested people are asked to walk with the following documents: proof of identity (ID card, drivers permit, passport); and, proof of residential address (utility bill), the release said.
"This is to facilitate the process of completing the necessary calculations to determine the policy details and options available for each member under the group plan," Niamat-Ali said.
Those attending are asked to RSVP at by July 30.
"National Drama Association hosts meeting to develop insurance plan"