Watchman plunges 1000 feet to death in a tractor

- File photo
- File photo

A watchman met a horrible death when a tractor he was driving plunged some 1,000 feet down a precipice on Thursday.

Mootilal Ramnath, 62, of Harrypaul Village, Diamond, died on the spot.

Ramnath was employed as a watchman at H Dookeran Quarry located at Guaracara Quarry Road, Williamsville.

Reports indicate that around 9 am on Thursday, quarry owner Harripaul Dookeran, 69, gave Ramnath permission to operate a D64 Caterpillar tractor.

Ramnath was assigned to clear out an area of yellow lime stones on the eastern side of the quarry.


Some five hours later, another employee, truck driver Ricky Rampaul, 36, went into the bushes and observed several trees smashed. There were tractor tracks leading down a precipice. There was no sight of either the tractor or Ramnath.

A report was made to the Princes Town Fire Station and officers under the supervision of Ag Fire Sub-officer Mohammed responded and observed the tractor down a 1,000 feet precipice.

Ramnath’s body was found in the cab of the tractor.

Police officers Sgt Abbott, Cpl Brewster, WPC Blackette and PC Karim visited the scene and the body was later retrieved from the tractor.

District medical officer Dr Dhamraj, who also visited the scene, declared Ramnath dead and ordered his removal for a post mortem examination.

Police crime scene investigators WPC Nysus and PC Rampersad also processed the scene.

PC Felmine is continuing enquires.


"Watchman plunges 1000 feet to death in a tractor"

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