Educator offers free books to CSEC students

With thousands of students in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean preparing for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examination in May/June, a teacher is offering free PDF books to help them with their studies to improve their grades.
Kishwar Dass, 51, a published author and educator at the Tunapuna Tuition Centre, said his books will be given to the first 1,500 students, parents, or teachers who send him an e-mail.
Those who do not respond in time will have to pay a minimal fee to obtain the PDF books.
The books include Matrices for CSEC Mathematics, Vectors for CSEC Mathematics, Physics Workbook for CSEC and Solutions for CSEC Physics Past Papers.
Dass, of Reform Village in Gasparillo, uses the pen names Glen Dass and Glen K Dash.
"Most of these paperback books are also available on Amazon for students, parents and teachers. The rest will be available on Amazon in time for the May/June examinations," Dass said. "I am also giving them permission to print these PDF books."
Dass has already donated PDF books to schools in Guyana, the Cayman Islands, Barbados and Jamaica. So appreciative was a school in Guyana that representatives have pleaded for more books.
Dass has over 28 years of teaching experience in public and private schools. He joined the teaching service in 1995, and two years later, he started teaching maths part-time to repeater students at a private secondary school.
He recalled that at one point, he was working part-time at three private secondary schools as well as teaching full-time at a government secondary school.
Dass said he got the opportunity to interact with students from different socio-economic backgrounds and levels of intelligence, which has helped him shape his teaching methods to suit the individual.
A mysterious ailment forced him to retire on medical grounds after more than 12 years teaching in the public sector. When he recovered, he continued to teach in the private sector.
He has a degree in business management with a double major in politics and international relations from UWI.
Apart from teaching in TT, Dass has also taught oral, conversational, business and tourism English in China.
Since 2017, he has published 15 books and hopes to publish "at least ten more" by December. His first book ΜΆ Inventing: A Simple Guide for Beginners, as the title suggests, is for any beginner who would like to invent something to solve a specific problem.
The book is simple enough for any non-scientific person to understand, and is available on Amazon (paperback). It's among the books students can get free of charge.
His latest book is Multiple Choice for CSEC Mathematics (2021 edition). Dass said the public response has been good and students, teachers and principals said they liked the book.
Dass said the idea for this textbook came to him during the covid19 lockdown in 2020. It covers multiple-choice questions based on topics outlined in the CSEC maths syllabus. This book is also available free of charge to students.
Anyone interested in the free PDF books can e-mail Dass at or visit his Facebook page, Glen Dass (Glen Dass Publishing).
"Educator offers free books to CSEC students"