Comedy fest goes to Shaw Park

Black Sage -
Black Sage -

The Alternative After Carnival Festival is heading to Tobago for one show on March 11 at Shaw Park Complex.

Formerly known as the Alternative Comedy Festival, the event was rebranded to incorporate all aspects of local culture, comedy, drama, soca, pan, chutney, calypso, extempo, and dance – giving locals and tourists the opportunity to see the best of the best from Carnival on one stage in one show, a media release said.

Gerard Balfour - David Reid

There will be an extempo showdown with Gypsy, the 2023 Free Style Extempo King Myron B, and Black Sage, with Tobago's Brother B from Tobago Channel 5 as ringmaster, the release said.

Myron B -


Extempo stalwarts will address topics such as Watson Duke as mayor of Port of Spain and the human-trafficking allegations, as well as other trending topics.

Kenneth Supersad - Jeff Mayers

The show will also feature Learie Joseph, Hott Like Fire Delores, Errol Fabien, George Gonzalez, Allan D Entertainer, Maco Media Crew, a Whatson Duke and Miss Key'zell skit, chutney bacchanal with Kenneth Supersad, a pan showdown with Dane Gulston and Tobago's Gerard Balfour.


"Comedy fest goes to Shaw Park"

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