Tourism Trinidad Ltd, Limitless Living host Paramin tour

The media were treated to a taste of Paramin during the Beauty of my Paramin or Belle plas de Paramin tour hosted by Tourism Trinidad Ltd and tour operator Limitless Living. The intent was to showcase the natural attractions, culture, history, lifestyle and cuisine of Paramin to domestic and foreign tourism.
The La Vigie Look Out is a community-based initiative formed by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Arts which has been attracting visitors since February. The cost of this project was $3 million and has offered guests a chance to rest and relax, as well as the opportunity to host events – weddings, photo shoots, cook outs and concerts.
The ministry stated in its media package that in order to sustain competitiveness and growth, "We must improve our tourism products and continue to attract increasingly discerning travellers and improve domestic tourism."

Tourism Trinidad Ltd said the ministry is looking at improving other sites such as the Lopinot Historical Complex, Fort George, Waterwheel in Diego Martin and Las Lapas in Arima. The ministry is also working towards attracting visitors to the Los Iros Mud Volcano and Fort Abercromby, Las Cuevas.
"Tourism Trinidad Ltd will be aggressively marketing our destination’s diverse products and services and put in place measures geared towards expanding the market share by offering new products and by improving our international marketing strategies."
During the tour the media were able to witness massages by Sashri Dass in the middle of the river and the one-legged Peter "Mountain Man of Paramin" Celestin climbing a tree or swimming in the sea.
It is hoped that attractions likes these will aid in the economic growth of Trinidad, creating sustainable development, generating foreign exchange earnings and achieving diversification in communities.
"The tourism industry holds tremendous scope for creating linkages with other sectors of the economy (including agriculture, craft, transport, distribution, and service industries), therein developing, and harnessing the skills of our people, and offering a better quality of life to citizens."

Limitless Living which was launched in 2018 by Nathan Greene and Mariessa Newallo with the intention of offering people a unique and unforgettable experience of nature.
"Tourism Trinidad Ltd, Limitless Living host Paramin tour"