Call for calypso hall of fame at Explainer’s funeral

Former President Justice Anthony Carmona has called for the launch of a calypso hall of fame.
He was speaking on Friday morning at the funeral for the late calypsonian Winston “Explainer” Henry.
His was one of many tributes at the celebration of Explainer’s life, at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain. A private cremation was held after.
Explainer died on October 7. He was 74.
Carmona said to the friends, family and supporters gathered that if there was no calypso hall of fame, a case should be made for one now with a “well-deserved place” for Explainer.
“Surely, if there is not a calypso hall of fame, the case for its erection begins now with the induction of Winston Explainer to a well-deserved place in the pantheon of calypso gods and goddesses.
“We know that we should treat our heroes so. I call for a place where his writings, videos, commentaries, artistic portrayals would be stored both physically and virtually in a continuation of the tradition innovated by phenomenal great Angelo Bissessarsingh, the founder of TT’s first virtual library.
“And I am bold enough to commend Pearl Eintou Springer to chair this initiative.”
During his speech, he said Explainer had a unique understanding of human nature and spirit.
Quoting from the calypsonian’s music, he said, “Explainer, the messenger, had his pulse on issues that plagued our society. This is what calypso is all about.”
He, like many others, said Explainer was a master composer and calypsonian.
National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds and Trinbago Unified Calysonians Organisation (TUCO) president Ainsley King also delivered remarks.
National Carnival Commission (NCC) chairman Winston “Gypsy” Peters said Explainer was a practical joker whom he grew up with. He said Explainer would do anything to pull a prank on him.
“The Winston I knew, he was a jovial man and he made fun even of death.”
He recalled that they both started singing calypso in San Fernando.
“Winston Henry, my dear friends, was a man of dignity. A man who carried himself in a particular (way).
“Nobody in the world is perfect, and a lot of people have a lot of things to say but all I can say is the Winston I know, was a man who cared about his children….”
Gypsy said traditional calypso, as it is known, was taking a back seat and nothing was wrong with that.
He called on calypsonians to take an introspective view of themselves to “ensure that when we can no longer perform we have a better life, we have a better life for ourselves.”
He said calypsonians should not continue to sit back and complain about life not being good to them.
Gypsy called on them to take stock of their lives so whatever life they had left would be lived in way they could enjoy.
Many musical tributes were also paid to him including Krisson Joseph’s performance of When Basil Come. Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organisation (TUCO) PRO Rondell Donawa performed To God Be Glory and Lady Melody gave a spirited performance of the late calypsonian’s 1982 hit Rasta Chick.
Former Calypso Monarch Chuck Gordon’s performance of Ras Mas also had the audience on its feet. Former Calypso Monarch Karene Asche became emotional during her performance of Lorraine but the calypso fraternity assisted her, including Gypsy.
After the service, those gathered proceeded along Frederick Street with a music truck playing Explainer’s many hits. Some people along the street came out to view the procession.
Asked about the suggestion of a calypso hall of fame by Carmona, King said the fraternity will try to protect the calypsonian’s work and make it live on.
He said the organisation will try to ensure the names of deceased calypsonians remain relevant. King said TUCO is currently working on ways to revolutionise the artform.
“In these changes, yes, having a place where we can recognise outstanding work of the calypsonian is necessary but it is a step-by-step process,” he said.
"Call for calypso hall of fame at Explainer’s funeral"