Independence 1962: Ceremonial opening of the new Parliament at the Red House. File photo/Info Division
As we celebrate TT's diamond jubilee, we reflect on earlier decades of the nation's past through these images from the archives.
Governor General Sir Solomon Hochoy takes the salute at the first Independence Parade in 1962. File photo/ Info DivisionCabinet Minister Errol Mahabir, PM Eric Eustace Williams and Francis "Boysie" Prevatt, Minister of Finance, in discussion in Parliament. File photo/TT News Centre LtdThe funeral procession for Basil Davis, who was killed in 1970 during a Black Power Movement meeting. File photo/TT News Centre LtdCalypsonian Lord Kitchener. File photo/Info Division
Aldwyn Roberts , Lord Kitchener, shows off his moves as he break-dances in the bandstand in Woodford Square on February 11, 1984. File photo/TT News Centre LtdA young man stands back in awe as Aldwyn Roberts, Lord Kitchener, break-dances in the bandstand in Woodford Square on February 11, 1984. File photo/TT News Centre LtdA young Dwight Yorke meets Kitchener at Servol. File photo/TT News Centre LtdSlinger Francisco, rhe Mighty Sparrow',and Aldwyn Roberts, Lord Kitchener, in an interview with Sunday Punch reporter Angela Fox. File photo/TT News Centre LtdAn energised PM ANR Robinson sings along with Machel Montano to his song Dr Carnival in 1988. File photo/TT News Centre LtdPrime Minister ANR Robinson (centre) poses with Sat Maharaj of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha and several SDMS pundits before a puja which was held after Robinson was shot in the knee during the 1990 attempted coup. File photo/TT News Centre LtdIn an undated photo Garfield "Ras Shorty I" Blackman, hugs Winston "Gypsy'"Peters, his brother in the calypso fraternity. File photo/TT News Centre LtdVisibly wounded Prime Minister ANR Robinson and his wife Patricia pray during a puja held after he survived being shot in theknee during the 1990 attempted coup. File photo/TT News Centre LtdFormer prime minister ANR Robinson high-fives cricketer Larry Gomes at an NAR meeting in Arima on December 16, 1990. File photo/TT News Centre Ltd
President of Haiti Jean-Bertrand Aristide shakes hands with Trinidad and Tobago Chief Justice Clinton Bernard as Prime Minister ANR Robinson looks on as they greeted the Haitian President at Piarco Airport on November 8, 1991. File photo/TT News Centre LtdFormer Prime Minister ANR Robinson greets Allyson Brown, portrayer of Tan Tan, and Peter Minshall, designer of Tan Tan and Saga Boy, at the VIP Room at Piarco Airport after they came back from performing at the opening of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics on August 13, 1992. File photo/TT News Centre LtdPrime Minister ANR Robinson shakes hands with Ulric Cross, Royal Air Force navigator, former judge and chairman of TTT. File photo/TT News Centre LtdOlympic sprinter Ato Boldon meets President ANR Robinson, his wife Patricia and their daughter Ann Margret in August 1997. File photo/TT News Centre LtdAldwyn Roberts, Lord Kitchener, on stage with Len "Boogsie" Sharpe during the Live to the World performance of BWIA Invaders Steelband. File photo/TT News Centre Ltd
"Throwback: Images of TT over the decades"