Next level for Art Society: Plan to include buyers, corporate society as members

Anthea Grant looks at an acrylic on canvas art piece, Supergirl, at the Rotunda Gallery, Red House in March 2021. - AYANNA KINSALE
Anthea Grant looks at an acrylic on canvas art piece, Supergirl, at the Rotunda Gallery, Red House in March 2021. - AYANNA KINSALE

Keiba Jacob Mottley, the new president of the Art Society of TT, is excited about her new position and ready to take the organisation to the next level.

She recalled being asked to be a candidate for president in January 2021, but her initial response was negative, as she felt she did not have the time to take on another responsibility.

She is one of two procedural clerks and head of the Financial Scrutiny Unit of Parliament, as well as the curator of the Rotunda Gallery at the Red House.

But she thought about it, eventually agreed and was elected at the end of March for a three-year term.

Jacob Mottley told Sunday Newsday she wants the Art Society to be a place where people in the visual arts community can feel comfortable and respected. She would like to turn it into a space to promote members and their work, as well as gallery exhibitions, and bring everyone in the community together.


She wants it to be a space where people can find out what is happening in the world of art, and learn about upcoming and established artists.

“I see the Art Society as being the promoter of visual art in TT – art, not artists. So buyers and corporate society could be members.

Keiba Jacob Mottley, the new president of the Art Society of TT. - AYANNA KINSALE

"If we could all come together to promote visual art – painting, sculpture, photography, videography, digital art and so on – to help develop and deepen the appreciation of visual art in TT, it would also force the practitioners to deepen their practice.”

However, she does not expect to do it alone.

The all-new board has already started churning out ideas and Jacob Mottley is eager to give everyone the opportunity to be heard and let their visions come together.

The board includes vice president Kevin Kenny, an art collector; secretary Chantal Quamina; treasurer Junnel Lewis, who previously served in the position for a year; and directors Christine Norton, Jason Nathu, Tracey Alonzo, Jeannine Crouch and Anika Plowden-Corentin.

She believes they have an interesting journey ahead of them as they are all excited and ready to work hard.

She said the Art Society is made up of people she believes are a reflection of the composition of the people of TT. Even though, at the moment, members are mainly artists and a few art collectors, they are people of different ages, races, genders and occupations. But there are plans to launch a membership drive in September.


Mother Gaia, a mixed media sculputure by Emma Hardy, on display at the Rotunda Gallery, Red House in March 2021. Keiba Jacob Mottley is the gallery's curator. - AYANNA KINSALE

“All of these people feel that they have a space and an opportunity at the Art Society. And we as artists have our share of fears and insecurities, that’s why we want to encourage people to come out and see the work. If you don’t like it, tell us. If you like it, tell us. If you love it, buy it. But it’s not about the sales. We want people to come out and support the visual arts community in TT.”

Jacob Mottley’s artistic journey began in 2016 when she visited an art gallery because she wanted to buy some art for her home.

“I didn’t know where to start buying, I didn’t know how to buy art, or what to do. I went to Horizons and saw some Glenn Roopchand pieces. His work is really amazing, but I couldn’t afford the pieces I liked.

“A friend was there with me and said he could paint the things I liked. And I figured if he could paint that, I could paint it too.”

The very next day, on October 31, 2016, she went to an art supply store, bought some paint and started painting for the first time.

“I always liked art, but it was like one of those things you fantasise about, that I wished I could do. I always felt intimidated by it because I felt I could not do the things I saw others doing.”

But she did do it, and her abstract art has morphed from the canvas to fabric, brightening clothing and furniture alike.

“For me, in my personal practice, art is about freeing up. At work I have all this structure, so when I’m painting or creating something, I want to be free to do what I want to do.


“As a result my art is very abstract. I don’t have structures and forms and things like that in my art. It’s very emotional, very intuitive, very expressive. I just relax and whatever comes out is okay.”

Fancy Sailor by Solange Govia on display at the Rotunda Gallery in March 2021. - AYANNA KINSALE

Fast-forward five years and she had her first solo exhibition at Arnim's Art Galleria, Port of Spain in September 2021.

Jacob Mottley said when she began painting, she took a “deep dive” into the art world. She spoke to artists and gallery owners about their work and journeys, and tried to figure out what motivated people to buy art.

That “dive” came in handy when Parliament moved back to the Red House in 2020. While preparing to move from Tower D of the International Waterfront Centre to the Red House, she had the idea that the entrance could be used as an art gallery.

“The intention when we moved back to the Red House was to maintain the thoroughfare feel of the old days, where you could walk from Sackville Street straight through the Red House into Woodford Square. Of course, now there are security checks, but you can still walk through.”

She felt it was a good idea to display artwork to attract people to the space and, since they were already there, possibly teach people who would not normally be interested in politics something about Parliament.

She believes the idea and her position as curator of the Rotunda Gallery gave her the recognition to be identified as a potential candidate for president of the Art Society.

As with the Rotunda Gallery, Jacob Mottley wants to focus on creating opportunities for artists to showcase their work, and to develop and deepen people’s appreciation for art. She wants to help develop members of the Art Society and educate people so they are not intimidated by the art scene.


Already, the Art Society hosts continuous exhibitions at its headquarters in Federation Park, as well as live drawing events, artists' talks and workshops, which are all open to the public.

“We have too many artists and too much artwork in the country to have blank walls, even in people’s homes. So we have more than enough art that we can always have an exhibition.

Art Society president Keiba Jacob Mottley and vice president Kevin Kenny. - AYANNA KINSALE

“And sometimes people don’t appreciate certain types of work as fine art. So these artist talks are not just for artists, but also for buyers to get an understanding and appreciation for art.”

Jacob Mottley said there is a misconception that only a certain type of people buy and appreciate art. But, she stressed that art is for everyone.

To those planning to buy art for the first time, she suggested they ignore other people’s opinions. She believes they should buy what they absolutely love, could live with in their home, and could afford.

After that, she said they should shop around and visit various galleries, but keep their budget and the size of their space in mind. She added that buyers should feel free to ask the gallery or the artist if they can pay in instalments.

She also suggests they have a plan, possibly narrowing their focus to a theme or up-and-coming artist. Why? Because their work may be less expensive, and there is the possibility of the work becoming more valuable over time.

“As an artist, when you stop producing work, all of the people who collected your artwork are put at a disadvantage because you are not growing as an artist. That’s what really causes an artist’s work to appreciate in value – when you could see their starting point and development and see their journey. Then the artist’s earlier work becomes of value.


“Also, art is something that is one of a kind. Sometimes when an artist paints something in a series, they create that series and then that’s it. The artist may continue along in their creative journey and may never revisit that period, or their style may evolve so much that they can no longer replicate what they did previously.”

So her main advice is: if you love it and have the money for it, buy it!


"Next level for Art Society: Plan to include buyers, corporate society as members"

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