Outspoken young activist joins PEP

Former United National Congress (UNC) social activist David Welch has joined the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP).
He made his debut as head of the party’s Youth Arm during the opening of its Couva South constituency office on Saturday.
Welch said, “Come 2025, or whenever he (the Prime Minister) chooses to call an election…we starting here, we going down Port of Spain, we coming up San Fernando, we going Debe and we are about to take over. The whole place gone orange.
“Because now is the time for change and you see, change starts with the young generation.”
Thanking the party’s founder Phillip Alexander for his support, Welch declared the party would be fiercely contesting the next local government elections which are due this year.
Saying the party “stands ready to ensure that each and every single individual in TT finds an equal place,” Welch said it was his view that the words enshrined in the country’s national anthem were not being lived up to.
He explained, “For election they tell us everyone together and vote for change but we don’t really vote for change.
“We vote for the same thing over and over again because after elections, when you go and you choose your party, we still have bad roads and our health-care system is still in a mess.”
He claimed to have spoken to young people in communities across TT and said all they wanted was adequate employment with some even wanting to migrate to find opportunities.
Predicting Alexander would be the next Prime Minister, Welch promised voters that Alexander would address the needs of all, especially young people.
Referencing his participation in numerous protests, and subsequent arrests, Welch also said his protest days were over.
“I want all the young people to stand up, gear up and get ready to fight for a better Trinidad and Tobago and that fight doesn’t mean to protest (because) I done with that.
“It’s time to fight differently and that fight we need is just to take your little finger and put it where it matters.”
Teasing he would be contesting a future election with the party, Welch roared “the only thing we want from Rowley is a fresh election because we stand ready to fix it (the country).”
Making her debut as the new head of the party’s Women’s Arm, Precious Cruickshank called on the government to do more to protect women from violence.
If elected to government, Cruickshank promised the PEP women would “win permanently.”
Alexander dismissed his party’s critics and said it had grown from strength to strength despite being counted out.
“To be in the politics in this country, to stand up and bring something like a Progressive Empowerment Party, takes a level of courage.”
"Outspoken young activist joins PEP"