Prudent Caribbean toy drive spreads Xmas cheer

Trinidad and Tobago-based Prudent Caribbean Foundation is spreading a bit of Christmas cheer with its first annual toy drive.
Founder and CEO David Chong Ling said the foundation is honoured to have their first toy drive, especially amid the challenges that accompany the covid19 pandemic.
He said the team and the community partnering with them wanted to ensure they contributed by spreading some Christmas cheer, especially with children, for whom Christmas remains a most magical season.
"We love to help give back to families throughout the year, but especially during the holidays, it is even more special. Members of our communities were asked to safely deliver wrapped toys for toddlers and children between the ages 10 to 17.
"Due to covid19 restrictions, board members put their heads together to ensure Christmas wasn’t cancelled for struggling families."
The foundation distributed toys to individual households and girls at the St Jude’s School for Girls in Belmont on Wednesday with additional drop-offs on Christmas Eve.
The team said the age-appropriate gift items, some of which Chong Ling said were distributed in collaboration with a few doctors from paediatric ward at the Port of Spain General Hospital. Gifts included books, interactive games, puzzles, building sets, electronic games, crayons and colouring books, sports equipment, arts and crafts kits, journal sets, toys, bath products and gift cards.
"Prudent Caribbean toy drive spreads Xmas cheer"