PAHO: 80% vaccination needed for covid19 herd immunity

Dr Jarbas Barbosa. Photo courtesy PAHO
Dr Jarbas Barbosa. Photo courtesy PAHO

Dr Jarbas Barbosa, deputy director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), has said the challenge of vaccination is increasing as recent studies indicate to achieve control of covid19 transmission, more than 80 per cent of the population should be vaccinated.

This is ten per cent more than what was thought at first.

“You have to try to reach all the groups that are in the national plans of each country,” he said at a virtual press conference.

PAHO reported on Wednesday that in Latin America only one in five people is vaccinated.

In the last week, 1.4 million cases and almost 20,000 deaths from covid19 were registered in the region. Reports show the delta variant has become the main cause of infection.


The increases in cases continue in the US, Mexico, Costa Rica and Belize.

In South America, by contrast, case numbers are falling. In Brazil there has been a decrease in hospital bed occupancy.

In the Caribbean, Etienne said in Trinidad and Tobago weekly deaths are increasing, while Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba are also reporting an increase in cases.

PAHO highlighted the situation in Haiti, which is especially acute after the weekend's earthquake.

“PAHO is committed to helping Haiti in this difficult situation. Among the dead from the earthquake is Dr Ousmane Touré, an epidemiologist who worked in conjunction with PAHO,” reported Etienne.

As of Tuesday, only 29,000 people had been vaccinated in Haiti, mostly health personnel.

Based on PAHO's data, Barbosa commented, “It is disturbing that with the delta variant we are seeing positive cases in people who have already been vaccinated and others who have had the disease."

He said both the World Health Organization (WHO) and PAHO are following up to evaluate the efficacy of complete vaccination against all variants.

"That is why it is important to have the full two doses of the vaccines and to maintain health measures, since people can be reinfected due to having limited protection."


He recommended that people should take both doses of the covid19 vaccines, even those who have already tested positive for the virus.

Barbosa also said vaccine hesitancy is an issue the authorities must address.

“Countries need to evaluate comprehensive strategies and everything that has to do with vaccines. We have been working with the health ministries of each country and explaining the procedure for preparing each vaccine so that they have all the information at hand."

Barbosa said people who don't get vaccinated are running the risk of death and putting their own families at risk.

He also warned, “You have to be very careful with fake news on social media. All the correct information about vaccines is on the official WHO website."

Dr Carissa Etienne, director of PAHO, said each country makes its own decisions on vaccination strategies, but the most important thing is to continue vaccinating health personnel and to continue advancing in the general population.

On a third dose or booster shot, she commented, "We still do not have evidence to make a recommendation. Clinical trials are being carried out in all countries and once the data are analysed, recommendations will be made. But for now the most important thing is to make sure that all the countries have the vaccines."

Etienne said data being generated 16 months after the arrival of covid19 in the Americas highlighted the mental health problems in the population.

"We must face the many consequences of this pandemic, especially the stress and fear that have invaded our daily lives," Etienne said. "Fifteen per cent of young people are suffering from depression, and psychological care services have declined due to restrictions."


She said access to medicines for mental health patients has also been complicated.

"Although many countries have integrated mental health among the consequences of covid19, few countries have invested in this area."

She highlighted TT and Chile where care and psychological support systems have been implemented for health workers.

“TT has reorganised its mental health services, launching mental health support hotlines so that people always have psychological support and become better informed about the pandemic. Mental health and care services are essential for recovery and reconstruction after the covid19 pandemic, being the cornerstone of our society."


"PAHO: 80% vaccination needed for covid19 herd immunity"

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