Hospital worker threatens to sue NCRHA official for fraud

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A temporary patient escort at the North Central Regional Health Authority (NCRHA) has threatened to take a senior hospital official to court for allegedly taking money from her after promising her contract would be renewed.

Attorneys Joel Roper and Gerard Boodram on Thursday, wrote to the senior official demanding he return $5,000 paid to him by their client Jamila Patrong.

Roper said Patrong has reported the incident to the police.

In the letter, which was copied to the Health Ministry’s permanent secretary and the general manager of the NCRHA, it was alleged that the senior official took $5,000 from Patrong over the period 2019-2020.

The letter alleged that Patrong was told she would be given continued employment in the NCRHA when she asked back for the $5,000. It also said requests for reasons for the delay in returning the money have been met with further promises of continued employment.


Patrong was also allegedly threatened if she did not continue to pay, her contract would not be renewed.

Roper said they were instructed to begin criminal proceedings against the official for fraud and recovery of the money paid.


"Hospital worker threatens to sue NCRHA official for fraud"

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