Time for us to change

IMAGINE FOR a moment that you succeeded in convincing everyone that the Prime Minister is incompetent and the worst thing for TT. What would be your next step? What would you be saying to the very people you persuaded? Would you encourage them to illegally take over the Government?

Sometimes it may make some sense to think things through. What is one hoping to achieve by disparaging the character of our elected representatives?

The Government and the Opposition were legally elected by the people of TT. That is a fact. It is also a fact that they were elected to serve a term of five years. In a democracy, we accept the will of the people. I am making this point mainly because I am fed up with the daily disrespect and almost obscene commentaries made about our elected representatives. The daily menu of hate and division does nothing to improve the quality of life for our citizens.

Would it not make sense for us to focus our attention on the issues that affect our lives? If, for example, the Government cannot find a way to do simple things like restoring the roadway after WASA repairs or land erosion and landslips, would it not be better to point out its incompetence and offer a solution rather than use derogatory remarks about character?

To many there are unacceptable levels of incompetence that pervades. Reliable water distribution could be easily solved but seems elusive. The few criminals that conduct their murderous raids on our citizens simply drive off in vehicles in a small island and remain at large. Their arrest and conviction ought to be a routine rather than monumental task.

Our economic future is uncertain and at best it lies with the hope that foreigners will invest their money in our energy sector. We then tax them to replenish our foreign reserves, then use our earned funds to purchase foreign goods.

Should we not offer a better approach to these issues?

There is a general belief that the Government and the Opposition have failed in getting us to the level of efficiency and quality of life that is possible with our national assets. What is the next step? Is it the continued daily doses of insults and divisive language that pervades?

Unless the people of TT focus on the issues and challenges that confront us and make a concerted effort to offer solutions, then we are doomed to spend the next five decades not much different from the last five.

We have had and continue to have more than enough money to have safe borders with mobile police close to the shore and the coast guard on patrol out at sea. We can have great roads, a robust economy boosted by support for our local business sector. Our tourism can be among the best in the world. Our pan can be marketed throughout the world.

We could have the best healthcare globally. We have the personnel and the finance. What we lack is a national will to unite in the best interest of TT. Cussing up our leaders is not the solution.


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"Time for us to change"

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