United front can defeatthe virus

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago

THE EDITOR: Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling for a united front to fight covid19. I believe if we are going to be victorious in this battle against this deadly virus this is a positive way to go. Our politicians and other leaders, as suggested by Persad-Bissessar, should come together and form that united front. This is the way forward in dealing with covid19. Answers are needed and I am not convinced the Government has all the answers. Which one of us does?

There needs to be a sharing of ideas and opinions in dealing with the pandemic. I therefore encourage Prime Minister Rowley to seriously consider the united front suggestion. Who knows what great things can come out of this. Let us put aside personal feelings, politics and party affiliation for the sake of the people and country. We are in this together.

It is not about whose suggestions brought about change in this crisis, we are not looking for heroes. What is important is people resuming as normal a life as possible and covid19 being defeated in TT. I believe it can happen if we truly join forces band are sincere and truthful to each other.

Here some suggestions if this united front comes into being:

* All involved must have an open mind.

* All must stay focused on solutions.

* All must be willing to compromise.

* All must respect the input of others, you are all leaders.

I hope this united front becomes a reality. It is up to our leaders to put aside differences and make this happen. They can do it if they try – together.


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"United front can defeatthe virus"

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