You have a way with words, Mr PM

Prime Minister Dr Rowley - Photo courtesy Office of the Prime Minister
Prime Minister Dr Rowley - Photo courtesy Office of the Prime Minister

THE EDITOR: It takes a great leader to find humour in a calamity. The PM's "Doh jacka-- the thing" is so relevant it is funny.

It is used to describe where Trinis ignore all logic and common sense to worsen a situation ignorantly.

When we speak to people we want them to comprehend. It is no use casting pearls before swines.

Donkey has no place in horse race. However, where horse goes, donkey reaches.

The Spanish word for donkey is burro. Its Hindi equivalent is gadha.

If you talk to people in a language they understand, that goes to their heads. If you talk to them in their own language, that goes to their hearts.

Mr PM, you have a way with words. I humbly suggest you add public relations to your responsibilities.

I put on the radio. The number one song on the hit parade is, Doh Jacka-- de Scene by Devon Seales.


Princes Town


"You have a way with words, Mr PM"

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