Kamla: Love selflessly this Easter

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling on the public to “show selfless love” for the upcoming Easter weekend. In doing so, she said, the hardships the country currently faces can be defeated.

In her Good Friday message to the nation on Thursday, Persad-Bissessar said she joins the Christian community in “commemorating the most defining moment of their faith, the day Jesus Christ died on the cross to redeem mankind.”

She said the holiday’s teachings have always brought her “great solace and peaceful introspection.

“The sacrifice of Jesus that we observe on Good Friday shows us as a people, as a nation and more as a world, what real selfless love is.

“I often find that the gospel of Peter describes the blessed acts of Jesus on Good Friday in a manner that presents heartwarming inspiration for us all as it states ‘He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wound, you have been healed.’”


She said many have lost loved ones, jobs and even hope owing to the covid19 pandemic and that everyone’s well-being has been challenged over the past year.

But she said the crucifixion and sacrifice of Jesus present the country with “the perfect example to defeat and ease the burdens of the pandemic.

“If we selflessly love and act for the benefit of others as Jesus did on Good Friday, we will be able to eradicate the many instances of economic, social and psychological turmoil facing those around us.

“As a people the only way we can defeat the hardship before us is by doing what Jesus did for us on the cross, giving of ourselves.”

But the message of the “ultimate sacrifice,” she said, also applies to those in authority, who must “sacrifice their own ambitions to enable the well-being, prosperity and development of a burdened population.

“Let us never lose hope and more so, let us act with selfless love towards each other as Jesus did on the cross at Calvary.”


"Kamla: Love selflessly this Easter"

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