Social Work Month 2021: 'Social workers are essential'

Social Work Month is celebrated annually in March. This year, the TT Association for Social Workers (TTASW) celebrates Social Work Month.
The TTASW's theme 2021 is Social Workers are Essential, acknowledging the significance of over 1,000 social workers and social services workers across Trinidad and Tobago.
Under the organisation's motto, Empowering social workers to make a difference, the TTASW, in a release, said the annual day recognises ocial work professionals, their vision and their hard work and contributions to society.
"Social work is a profession founded on noble purposes that aim to enhance overall well-being and help meet basic and complex needs of communities and people. Sadly, the profession usually comes with minimum praise," the release said. "Often the hard work and diligence by our social workers go unnoticed."
The association invited social workers and other human services workers to be a part of a series of activities – both interactive and informative – designed to enlighten, inspire and entertain.
The series of activities will include but are not limited to a series of media and community activities culminating in an event where the association will host consultations with the intention of licensing more social workers and social service workers in TT.
For additional information the association can be contacted at 868-465-7932 or by e-mail at
People may also contact Renee Cummings at 239-2185
"Social Work Month 2021: ‘Social workers are essential’"