Relatives want shooting survivor, 3, at mother's funeral

Although relatives of murdered 25-year-old Natalia Cooper have not finalised her funeral, they hope that her infant son, who survived the shooting attack, would attend.
Three-year-old Cairo Jordan was said to be in a stable condition at the San Fernando General Hospital.
A relative who asked to be unnamed said, "We would like him to be there in person. Even if he is still hospitalised, we hope he would be allowed to attend, then return to the ward. Something has to work out.
"He is doing well, but he still has a long way to go. His third surgery on Wednesday went well, and doctors are monitoring his condition. They say he may have to undergo another procedure soon."
On December 31, gunmen started shooting at Cooper as she was reversing into the garage at her home on Third Company Road, Indian Walk, Moruga. The car crashed into the concrete wall of the garage.
Cairo, who is autistic, and his two-year-old brother were in the back seat. A bullet grazed Cairo’s left foot and ankle. His brother was unharmed.
Cooper, a nail technician, was hit several times and died shortly afterwards at the Princes Town district health facility.
Three men similarly gunned down her children’s father, Kadeem "Natos" Jordan, 27, in April last yera at Pleasantville Circular, while he was driving.
Since his murder, relatives said Cooper began receiving death threats and had gone into hiding. She had moved into the house with her sons about two months ago.
Police believe the murders are linked.
No one has been arrested, and Homicide Bureau Region III police are investigating.
"Relatives want shooting survivor, 3, at mother’s funeral"