Ramlochan is Youth Business top mentor

Reggie Ramlochan’s strong passion and commitment for making an impact on the lives of young entrepreneurs through mentorship has earned him the Mentor Recognition Award 2020.
Ramlochan topped three other finalists from Nigeria, Sweden and Israel for the award which was part of the Youth Business International Global Youth Entrepreneurship Festival held last week. "All the finalists demonstrated extraordinary skills in supporting their mentees particularly during these exigent times," said a media release.
The covid19 pandemic has seen an increase in demand for mentorship – a challenge warmly embraced by the Youth Business TT (YBTT) team. Like Ramlochan, the release said, the entire YBTT pool of mentors has been continuously ensuring the young entrepreneurs get the capable support to pivot their businesses.
During his two-year stint as a mentor with Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago, Ramlochan has willingly embraced two mentees with whom he has been working assiduously to guarantee their success in critical areas of their respective businesses.
Speaking about this commitment to the task Ramlochan said, “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction; mentorship is humanity in action and is more than a relationship. It’s generational succession planning in action.”
Ramlochan also supported a group of six mentees offering individual sessions to young entrepreneurs requiring advice.
"Ramlochan is Youth Business top mentor"