(UPDATE) PSC: Griffith on vacation; Police: He's gone for medical check-up

MINUTES after the Police Service Commission (PSC) announced that Police Commissioner Gary Griffith was going on vacation, the police issued a release saying Griffith is overseas on leave, during which time he will have a medical check-up.
The PSC in a release on Friday said Griffith went on vacation leave from October 16-November 1. The PSC's announcement came hours after Griffith revealed that he had sanctioned 15 police officers for their role in the $22 million Drugs Sou-Sou (DSS) scandal.
Griffith had initially cancelled his vacation, saying both the PSC and National Security Minister Stuart Young had advised against his taking leave at this point, as he was needed at the helm to deal with several crises, including the DSS issue.
After the PSC's press release on Friday, announcing Griffith's vacation, the police issued their own release to say he will be out of the country until October 31 and that while abroad, he will have a check-up.
The police release did not specify if Griffith's leave was on medical grounds or vacation. Neither did it say what the medical check-up was for.
The announcement of Griffith's absence came after the Prime Minister, at a PNM post-budget meeting, declared the DSS scheme to be no sou-sou but rather a "cancer" that if left unchecked couldeat away at the soul of the nation.
The Prime Minister also announced that help was being sought from the British and Barbados police to investigate the DSS scandal.
In Griffith's absence, acting Deputy Police Commissioner McDonald Jacob will act as Police Commissioner.
"(UPDATE) PSC: Griffith on vacation; Police: He’s gone for medical check-up"