Kamla: 1990 testament to TT's courage, resilience

Despite the trauma of the 1990 attempted coup, UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said the public should remember the strength, courage and resilience displayed by the public during the insurrection.
In an official statement issued on Monday, Persad-Bissessar commemorated the 30th anniversary of the attempted coup by encouraging the public to engage in introspection and draw strength from those who served on the frontlines against the insurrection.
She said despite the threat of violence, members of the protective services, the media and the public held fast to the principles of democracy. She commended all those who were involved for their sacrifice and bravery.
"Future generations will always be eternally grateful to those brave citizens who risked their lives as well as those who lost their lives, so that our national identity, way of life and constitutional principles would not be defeated by a cowardly act.
"Thirty years later, while we face many problems as a society we have seen that our people will always rise to the challenge, our people will always stand together and will selflessly defend our Trinbago way of life in times of difficulty."
She also said that as TT honoured those who served and remembered those who died during the six days of the insurrection, the public should also be vigilant against any future attacks on democracy and freedom.
Persad-Bissessar also encouraged the public to use the same strength and courage displayed during the insurrection to overcome bigotry, inequity and institutional abuse.
"Our unity allowed us to overcome the great threat and challenge of a violent coup attempt against a democratically elected government.
"Today, let us appreciate our democracy and the ability to peacefully choose or replace a government without resorting to violent means.
"We must always be vigilant to current and future threats towards our democracy and let us do all that we can, just as our patriots did back in 1990, to defend, safeguard and protect our beloved nation of TT."
"Kamla: 1990 testament to TT’s courage, resilience"