Venezuelan karate family offering online classes

A VENEZUELAN family of karatekas, currently living in TT, is offering online classes as a means of coping with the stay-at-home measures due to covid19.
Sensei Lino Velásquez, along with his three children Elsa, Enderson and Edixon Velásquez, hope to eventually open a dojo in Arima.
The idea to open a dojo came before quarantining, but as a result of physical distancing measures to prevent the spread of the virus, they had to change their methods a bit.
“The quarantine for the covid19 has changed the way of life of everyone, especially athletes, but that is not a reason to stop doing activities so, my children and I devised a plan for everyone who wants to learn a little bit of karate...they can do it,” said Lino.
Initially, the proposal is to teach the classes through the Zoom platform, but the Velasquez family members, who all hold black belts, decided to start the plan on the Venezuelan account in Trinidad on Facebook.
"We are programming to move to the zoom system Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 pm. Those interested can contact us through the Facebook page or by the number 785-8727" said the professor.
"The plan is for the Wado Ruy style to be part of the styles practised in this country, to train karatekas not only Latinos but also Trinidadians, to share knowledge with the other karatekas in this country," said Lino.
Once covid19 restrictions are lifted in TT, the Velasquez family hope to open a face-to-face school, with the corresponding permits from both the National Karate Federation and the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs.
"Venezuelan karate family offering online classes"