Let’s show empathy

THE EDITOR: I am appealing to my fellow citizens to empathise with one another in these unusual times.

It has become fashionable on social media to call fellow citizens “stupid” and other unflattering names. Most concerning is that these epithets are directed at the elderly in bank lines or those at supermarkets.

How would citizens know exactly when the supermarket or banks would be crowded? Spare a thought for those who can only go to the supermarket, crowded or not, when help is available from others to bring the groceries home.

They might not be as fortunate as you to be able to purchase and hunker down with three months’ supply of food and grog, a Netflix or EA subscription and a large television.

Many citizens have no interaction with people who are different from them and therefore lack empathy. Many are doing the best they can under difficult circumstances.

Coronavirus has exposed many things in our society that we would rather keep hidden. Some people are barely scraping by and wonder how they can make it. Many have to fend for themselves with little family support. Some who live alone are not okay with reduced social interaction. Many people are worried and afraid.

We should resist the urge to label others “dotish,” “hardened” or “foolish.” Let us leave those names for the truly deserving.


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"Let’s show empathy"

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