OWTU still in talks with Yara

Yara’s Point Lisas Industrial Estate-based ammonia plant was “safely shutdown” on December 31.
That was the observation by Yara Trinidad Ltd president Richard De La Bastide in response to an emailed question from Newsday concerning the plant’s pending closure.
De La Bastide also provided an update about negotiations between the OWTU, which represents the workers and the company regarding retrenchment packages.
“The Yara Ammonia plant has been safely shutdown and secured as planned.
“Talks with the Oilfield Workers Trade Union regarding the separation arrangements for the workers affected are in progress.”
On 13 November, Yara announced on its website the closure of its wholly-owned ammonia plant in Point Lisas and cited plant profitability and failed negotiations with The National Gas Company of Trinidad as key reasons behind the closure.
The Yara Trinidad plant is one of three ammonia plants operated by Yara Trinidad Ltd.
The remaining two plants, Tringen I and Tringen II, are jointly owned by Yara International ASA and National Enterprises Ltd (NEL).
"OWTU still in talks with Yara"