UNC's Ryan Rampersad: Improved turnout in Central

The United National Congress (UNC) candidate for Longdeonville/Talparo, Ryan Rampersad, said on Monday voter turnout for the local government elections was much higher than in 2016.

Rampersad spent the day monitoring the polling stations in his ar and reported a steady flow of voters in the Longdenville area.

"I am seeing a lot of youths and those who would have ignored this particular election in the past,” he said.

Interviewed at the Palmiste Government School, Rampersad reported one hiccup when a presiding officer there did not know the number of the polling station and the UNC polling agent was kept outside for 15 minutes.

When Rampersad arrived, he spoke to the presiding officers, who were able to sort out the problem and the UNC agent was allowed in.


MP for La Horquetta/Talparo Maxie Cuffie voted at this polling station.

Rampersad went up against Raquel Bissoon of the PNM.


"UNC’s Ryan Rampersad: Improved turnout in Central"

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