President to open int'l Vedic conference

File photo: President  Paula-Mae Weekes

File photo: President Paula-Mae Weekes PHOTO:ANGELO M. MARCELLE

PRESIDENT Paula-Mae Weekes will open an international conference on Modern Science and Vedic Science at the Hilton Trinidad on November 1.

Spiritual head of the Gasparillo-based Brahma Vidya Peetham International (BVPI) Brahma Swarupananda said the goal of the conference is to present a master plan for the application of modern science as it related to Vedic science. “We are using transcendental meditation and consciousness of the mind to produce a peaceful and prosperous society.”

Head of the Department of Clinical Surgical Sciences, UWI, Prof Dilip Dan, will lecture on awareness and understanding of Vedic science for the growth of individual consciousness.

Secretary of the BVPI Sadvi Ananda said, "Understanding Vedic leads to peace and harmony.”

The main idea behind this event, she said, is to get people to have their consciousness and intellect working together.


“We are convinced that when this happens it leads to the ideal society and an ideal nation.”

This conference will create a platform for researchers, scientists, academics, Vedic practitioners, religious leaders, educators, students, activists, law enforcement experts and anyone who is interested in creating a better society, she said.

“We are at a juncture in our existence where the uncertainty of our future looms. It is imperative that we take a close look at the deterioration of nations throughout the world and more so in this country.”

Implementing scientifically validated programmes from Vedic science, she said, will serve to alleviate such issues as crime and violence, which people have come to accept in their daily lives, and

Vedic technologies and scientific research combined can reduce crime, violence, stress, poverty, and suffering in TT, the wider Caribbean and the world at large. World leaders say there is an ever-increasing state of chaos in the world, said Ananda and the crisis and tensions increase daily in the individual, in social life, in national affairs and international relations. “It seems as though we are at the brink of another world war, and there I an urgent need to re-establish harmony in humankind through inner peace.”

Among the speakers at the conference will be Dr Jose Luis from Spain, Dr Graham De Freitas and Pundit Bhadase Seetahal-Maharaj.

On November 2, a cultural programme will be held at the Divali Nagar Main Stage in Chaguanas, for the public. This will allow international guests to experience local culture, and the general public who may not be able to attend the conference can benefit from hearing keynote speakers and conference snippets.

On November 3 discussions will be held on transcendental meditation and consciousness-based education and its effect when used in schools to aid students academically and socially.


"President to open int’l Vedic conference"

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