Young: More border protection coming

Additional measures are being put in place to enhance border protection.
So said Minister of National Security Stuart Young, as he delivered the feature address at the passing-out parade for the Coast Guard’s 55th recruit intake.
It was held at Teteron Barracks in Chaguaramas last Saturday.
He said, “The TT Government continues to advance its efforts in enhancing border security.”
“Initiatives being pursued include the upgrade of this country’s radar system, the procurement of two cape class vessels; the upgrade of facilities and infrastructure at the Coast Guard headquarters and the refurbishment of 14 Coast Guard interceptors.”
These, he said, “are expected to be completed in the coming weeks.”
“The Coast Guard has to use modern security equipment and technology in the execution of its important mandate and to fulfil its responsibilities.
Young, thanked the Coast Guards for their dedication and service, despite what he described as “recent unfair criticism and attacks.”
The performance and border security of the Coast Guard came under scrutiny by many, after the death of several fishermen in the Gulf of Paria, near Orange Valley on July 22.
After five months of training in foot and weapons drill, physical fitness, swimming, seaman specialisation classes, weapon handling, skill at arms and range exercises, 91 recruits were inducted.
Awards were handed out to recruits Kadesha Theophilus for best female recruit and Gyasi Richardson for best male recruit.
Also at the event were Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security,Vel Lewis and acting Chief of Defence Staff Col Darnley Wyke.
"Young: More border protection coming"