[UPDATED] 'Hit' on Colleen

Former journalist Colleen Holder
Former journalist Colleen Holder

FORMER journalist and current media relations officer for the Office of the Parliament, Colleen Holder, says there is a plot to shoot her after voicing her concerns about crime in Oropune Gardens.

Holder told Newsday that she had not made an official report to the Arouca Police Station but was aware that both National Security Minister Stuart Young and Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith were informed as well as the Arouca Task Force.

“All I know is what was told to me. The person said the words were ‘green lit,’ ‘shoot and burn.’ I don’t know if it means they will shoot me and burn my house,” she said. Young was asked about Holder’s issue yesterday at the post-Cabinet media conference and said: “I am aware of it. Actually before going into Cabinet I sent a message to the Commissioner of the Police providing that information when it came to me and asking him to do the necessary.

“The police know what they need to do so we are addressing that situation.”

Griffith, when contacted, said he was aware of the situation but could make no further comment as it was a matter currently engaging the attention of the police.


According to the Express, one person posted on social media that someone threatened Holder, who has been voicing her displeasure with the increasing levels of crime in the community. The post read: “U see the woman who like to feel she’s the mayor of Oropune you’ll hear about her just now eh, she will know when them ready to out she light.”

Holder, in the past week, has been the voice and face of the Oropune residents challenging the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) to do better at securing the residents and maintaining the rules of the housing community. Last Saturday, Holder at a media conference at the Oropune Police Youth Club that the HDC could not pass the buck on security by saying it’s a police matter. She added that many of the concerns she and other residents raised including the operation of three illegal businesses, are within the remit of HDC. On Wednesday HDC demolished and removed the three businesses which belonged to Anthony “One Foot” Knights.

In a WhatsApp message Holder wrote: “I was given reliable information this morning that a hit was placed on my life today because I spoke out on issues in Oropune Gardens. I will be making a report to the Arouca Police station as well as I will send a formal letter to the CoP and the Minister of National Security and the media. Unfortunately I have become a target because I am speaking out on behalf of residents. I now see why people stay silent. Sigh.”

Holder, who was robbed twice in the community, said last Saturday that she was no longer afraid of being targeted because she was “totally fed up.” She added that when she was asked about placement she chose Oropune Gardens twice.

Asked yesterday if she was willing to move out Holder said: “Not moving lol.” She added that she spoke with officers at the Arouca Police Station about the information she received and was yet to make an official report.

She added: “I have been getting calls all day and night, people’s of all walks of life have been calling me and now the community is riled up into unity.

“They are saying now that this is not her fight but our fight and now I don’t feel like I’m standing on my own.

“It is not in my DNA to keep quiet, that’s not me. You threatened me, I’m sorry but I will have to keep at it. I will not be threatened into not speaking, you threaten me and unfortunately that will give me more fire to say well too bad.

“If nobody says something and nobody stands up for what is right then we will all continue to be a scared society and a scared community and no! I am not doing that, I’m sorry. As I said before the bandits will have to leave I am not leaving. Something have to give why must we continue to live in fear all the time, its not fair!”


This story has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.

FORMER journalist and current media relations officer for the Office of the Parliament, Colleen Holder, has reported to police that a 'hit' has been placed on her after she publicly voiced her concerns about crime and lawlessness in the HDC's Oropune Gardens development where she lives.

Holder, in the past week, has been the voice and face of the Oropune residents challenging the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) to do better at securing the residents and maintaining the rules of the housing community.

Last Saturday, Holder at a media conference at the Oropune Police Youth Club said that the HDC could not pass the buck on security by saying it’s a police matter. She added that many of the concerns she and other residents raised including the operation of three illegal businesses, are within the remit of HDC.

On Wednesday, the HDC moved in and demolished and removed three businesses which belonged to Anthony "One Foot" Knights, a resident of Oropune Gardens.

In a WhatsApp message, Holder wrote: "I was given reliable information this morning that a hit was placed on my life today because I spoke out on issues in Oropune Gardens. I will be making a report to the Arouca Police station as well as I will send a formal letter to the CoP and the Minister of National Security and the media. Unfortunately I have become a target because I am speaking out on behalf of residents. I now see why people stay silent. Sigh."

Holder, who was robbed twice in the community, said last Saturday that she is no longer afraid of being targeted because she is “totally fed up”. She added that when she was asked about placement she chose Oropune Gardens twice.

When asked today if she was willing to move Holder said: "Not moving lol." She added that she spoke with officers at the Arouca Police Station about the information she received and is yet to make an official report.

Last week National Security Minister Stuart Young expressed concern over an emerging crime situation in Oropune. Knights, according to a newspaper report was linked to increased crime in the area facilitated by his illegal businesses. He have since retained the services of a senior attorney on his next step.



"[UPDATED] ‘Hit’ on Colleen"

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