Govt please pay your bills
THE EDITOR: The Minister of Public Utilities Mr Robert Le Hunte did put the cards on the table sparing no one when he named government departments as main culprits in owing T&TEC 700 million. This is a serious indictment and is not setting a good example for the citizens to follow. This seems to be a pattern with government offices where, for some reason, they are so often delinquent in settling their bills in a timely manner.
Now when this takes place, who can be burned with this type of conduct? Well let me help you – the employees and also citizens most definitely. If T&TEC is not paid, where will it get money to pay its staff? Then that may well open the door to staff cuts in order to stay alive. Then we have the other option increasing consumer rates to cover the delinquency of the government and other major players who do not honour their bills.
To Mr Le Hunte Minister of Public Utilities, what is the plan to get outstanding money? If something is not done urgently we will have a serious problem that can affect innocent people who are doing the right thing. Government do the honourable act and pay money outstanding.
Arnold Gopeesingh, San Juan
"Govt please pay your bills"