Prisoner on death row since 1996

THERE are 44 prisoners currently on death row and one has been there since 1996.

This was reported on Tuesday in the House by Housing Minister Edmund Dillon, speaking on behalf of the National Security Minister.

He read the convict number and date of conviction of the prisoners, but did not provide any names. One prisoner was convicted on June 21, 1996, more than 22 years ago. There were three prisoners convicted for 11 years and two for two years. About 75 per cent had been convicted five or fewer years ago, with the most recent one on January 28 and another on February 12.

Dillon was also asked whether there has been an increase in the number of people under the age of 18 joining gangs. He replied that owing to the clandestine nature or gangs and vacillating membership, without standardised procedures, he could not verify the age of every gang member and was therefore unable to say whether there had been an increase or decrease.

Naparima MP Rodney Charles asked why the police gang units were not functioning on the basis of international benchmarks.


Dillon replied gang cultures differ from country and while in the US gang members can be identified by something like tattoos, in TT a member of a Diego Martin gang may become a member of a Point Fortin gang.


"Prisoner on death row since 1996"

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