Kamla: Be inspired by Baptists

Kamla Persad Bissessar
Kamla Persad Bissessar

AMID current difficulties facing the nation, citizens should be inspired by the historical tenacity of the Spiritual Shouter Baptist community, urged Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar in her message for today’s public celebration.

“As we celebrate this joyful event, we are all reminded of the important lessons we can all learn from this community: of the power of faith, the power of unity and the power of determination in overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds.

"Our beloved TT is a nation built on the struggles, the strength of spirit and the will of its people.”

She said the repeal of the Shouters Prohibition Ordinance in 1951 was a significant moment for members of that faith and the whole country, ending an unjust proclamation which prevented them practising their religion freely.

“Finally, Spiritual Shouter Baptists were free to ‘Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands’ (Psalm 100:1).”

In recognition of the Baptist contribution to the country, Persad-Bissessar said in 1996 Baptist liberation was declared a public holiday by the then United National Congress (UNC) government led by Basdeo Panday.

“The government I led continued to honour the community and delivered on a promise to build the first Spiritual Baptist school – the St Barbara's Spiritual Baptist Primary school and an Early Childhood Care and Education Centre.

“We also gave a commitment to build a secondary school, and it is my intention to honour this promise when the UNC returns to government.”

Persad-Bissessar said the indomitable spirit of the Baptist community was noteworthy and an example for the whole country.

“Today, as we face trying times and challenges in our nation, we can look to Spiritual Shouter Baptists for inspiration, and as they did, seek to keep hope and faith alive.”

She hailed their tireless efforts at nation-building and economic development.

“As we face today's challenges like job losses, escalating crime and increasing poverty we can draw on the experience and resilience of spiritual Baptists that we will overcome someday if we keep the faith, never give up and hold on to our principles and beliefs. I call upon all citizens to stand together and work together, and, united in purpose, we can make a difference in our country.”

She urged everyone to keep in their hearts and minds the goal to build the nation into one that is stronger, more united and suitable for our children.

“On behalf of the Opposition UNC and on my own behalf, I extend to all practitioners of the Baptist faith a blessed Liberation Day.”


"Kamla: Be inspired by Baptists"

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