Savannah garbage

Diary of a mothering worker
Post 323
COULD Carnival produce less garbage?
Somewhere, in the midst of all the music and coming together, is it possible for the right people to commit in the right way to make it happen?
No one cares once feteing starts until crossing the stage culminates, but a little leadership in the lead-up could change our whole country. Carnival, after all, could be so collective, so representative of who we are, if only we see who our best could be.
I’ve walked around with Ziya or accompanied her through Kiddies’ Carnival thinking that, no matter how I’d like to teach her what responsibility means, the landscape socialises her to not care, to not even notice, to assume that discarding any and everything is without consequence, and to think that this is a privilege she should take for granted.
She’s simultaneously learning to selectively see who her people are and what her culture condones – an all too common problem whether in relation to garbage, violence or corruption.
I’d blame government for the lack of leadership and for sitting in the audience to hear calypso like its 1968, reproducing a tradition of nothing changing while the garbage piles up around them, but I’m convinced not a seat in Cabinet, or in Opposition, actually cares about such blame. Imagine, not one national initiative or effort has successfully transformed our Carnival footprint in all these years.
Where does everyone think all that excessive plastic and Styrofoam goes on a small island that dumps it in our neighbour’s backyard, in rivers or in the ocean? This isn’t just about our global impact, it’s also about our pride in and care of our one twin-island home.
Every Styrofoam box that held fries and every cup that briefly contained corn soup will be poisoning our ecosystem after we are all dead, and our great grandchildren are left to suffer from the carelessness of our mess.
If the Government decided that it would work with the private sector to co-ordinate availability of and emphasis on paper plates and cups to transform our social practices, and if it collaborated with the big profit-making bands and all-inclusive fetes to significantly reduce their footprint, then Carnival could fulfil the potential for not only its own beauty, but also as a maker of history on the Anthropocene’s world stage.
The garbage we leave behind in the fete and on the road gets cleaned up and disappears from our immediate view and our short-term memory. However, it ends up somewhere and it remains the responsibility of each of us to catch up with a planet that needs us to no longer culturally celebrate an out-of-timing backwardness.
Every single one of us could demand better from our band, from the NCC, and from the Cabinet. All it takes is will, co-ordination, alternatives, and a little investment beyond the individual into an idea of a collective, and transformations that seem impossible can happen overnight.
As you jump up in the next week, take a second to look around at your feet, and at the garbage surrounding you. It’s such a different sight from the emphasis on dressing up and looking good, from playing a beautiful mas and playing your sequined and colourful body, but it’s where our real self – under the make-up and masquerade – is most visible.
How does it look? How do you think it looks to another generation learning that this is our greatest show on earth?
Every year, I wonder when Carnival will do it differently from the year before. I wonder if maybe we will do it out of love for our country or for the little children.
This year, as I walked through the space that means so much to so many, I wondered if, buoyed by music and spirit, we might chip away from our past and do it for something so close to our heart as our beloved Savannah grass.
"Savannah garbage"