Justice Seepersad urges judges to steer clear of bias

HIGH COURT judge Justice Frank Seepersad has called on judges to carry out their constitutional responsibility fearlessly, but warned them to steer clear of bias. Seepersad, also a lay minister, was giving a sermon at the Marabella Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning.
“There simply has to be a no-tolerance approach to lawlessness in all its manifestations.”
He told the congregation that judges must understand that justice is not a cloistered virtue, but with great responsibility comes the heightened expectation for efficiency. Seepersad said the man in the street must respect the man who don’s the robes, if he is to respect the judgements handed down. He lamented that our leaders make grandiose promises of improving the quality of life for citizens, but fail or refuse to implement them once they are elected.
“The inane diatribe which frequently occurs in our Parliamentary chambers, the robber talk and “say dat in the street” rhetoric is simply unacceptable. Our rich cultural heritage is consistently devalued when artists objectify our women or glorify the use of rum.” He said such situations must be addressed immediately. “We must follow God’s example and fulfil the promises we make. Words must not fall from our lips unless we mean what we say and we are prepared to implement any assurances which we may make. We must remember that our children’s attitudes are fashioned by the words they hear from our mouths.”
Seepersad also warned parents about their behaviour as he said children mirror what they see and hear.
“No child would generally make a phone call and threaten to kill a commissioner of police. It is likely that such a child would be parroting what he overheard. We need, as vessels of Christ, to ensure that the words which fall from our mouths are in accordance with His word and will, and if we have nothing good to say then we should say nothing.”
"Justice Seepersad urges judges to steer clear of bias"