Chutney Soca is on for 2019

Southex’s CEO George Singh
Southex’s CEO George Singh

EARLIER this year, the apparent cancellation of the Chutney Soca Monarch caused a national stir. The event, however, did happen, crowning winners Nishard Mayrhoo and Neval Chatelal.

Southex CEO George Singh, the organiser of Chutney Soca Monarch, says come Carnival 2019 he is confident that it will get the support needed for the event to happen. Singh spoke to Newsday at the launch of UWI Fete 2019 on Thursday.

Southex is now the organiser of the UWI Fete. When asked about the preparatory steps for Chutney Soca Monarch 2019, Singh said, “All of our proposals have already been sent out.

We have already started the conversation with the ministry and with some of our major sponsors.

“I want to tell you that I feel very confident that Chutney Soca Monarch will happen next year. We know that funding has been an issue over the last few years and we have tried to work with reduced budgets and I think that Chutney Soca Monarch, as everyone would have seen earlier this year, is really, really an important thing. Both Chutney Soca Monarch and Soca Monarch are events for the country,” he added.


Singh said Southex will try to work with reduced budgets and work with whatever is given.

He said, however, that “has to happen. It will happen and I am confident we will get the support to make it happen.”

As for additional sponsorship, Singh said, it is always a challenge and people have been picking and choosing who they support. “Which we cannot argue with them about because really and truly everyone goes to the same people. There are only so many Angosturas and Caribs and Brydens etc. So you find that people are bombarded with requests,” he said.

But Singh is confident that the venture, heading into its 24th year will happen.

“This is something that has been running for some time now and really and truly it has established itself on the national calendar and proven itself to be a very important aspect of culture and development. And the proof is in the pudding when you look at the number of artistes who have benefited from Chutney Soca Monarch.

“They have been able to get the funding. They have been able to travel. These artistes are out of the country every weekend. When you win Chutney Soca Monarch one year or even Soca Monarch, you go on, for years sometimes, travelling based on the fact that you would have won two years go.”


"Chutney Soca is on for 2019"

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