18,000 jobs lost is plenty

THE EDITOR: I was not aware that since 2015, to date, there have been some 18 thousands individuals who have lost their jobs. Well I do not know how others may view this but to me that is a lot. That is a high figure for such a small country.

When we take into consideration the impact this can have on thousands of citizens it should be a matter of serious concern. This I am sure does not take Petrotrin into consideration and also those other state companies that maybe call upon to reduce their overhead in order to cut cost.

Are we really seeing a turnaround in our economy? I believe one of the things that both our Government and the Opposition should be focussing on is the creation of real meaningful employment in our country.

That to me should be top priority and not the wars that we consistently see taking place in Parliament. While these battles persist, people are being sent home, families disrupted and our future generation are going through a rough time with some unable to enjoy basic life needs.

I am appealing to all our politicians, time to turn your attention to what is taking place in the lives of thousands of citizens in Trinidad and Tobago. In down to earth language, ‘tings tough out here.’ For many, they are barely making it, you just have to go into some of the areas and the evidence is there (walk the streets). If something is not done now to tackle our unemployment levels this can trigger many negatives later on in sweet T&T.

Arnold Gopeesingh
, San Juan


"18,000 jobs lost is plenty"

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