Shirley Roban - Integral part of the Newsday family

I was a founding employee of Newsday: this year marks 25 years I’ve spent with the organisation.
In 1993 I was told of a vacant position here as a custodian. I was interviewed by Mr Chookolingo and was successful.
My intention was not to remain stagnant but to move up when the opportunity presented itself.
I worked under Mr Daniel Chookolingo, Mr David Renwick, acting CEO Mr Billy Carpenter and the late Mrs Therese Mills.
I distinctly remember my encounters with each of these individuals. Not once did they make you feel insignificant or distant from the Newsday family. I still remember up to this day Mr Carpenter telling me, “Don’t feel your work is not important. Each of us has out part to play in making this company successful.”
Therese Mills was a gem. She was always a person I could go to any time for advice.
In the past years, I obtained my degree in computer studies and wish to pursue it further.
I love working at Newsday, where I have met and learnt many different things. My wish is to see Newsday continue on its successful journey.
"Shirley Roban – Integral part of the Newsday family"