Police: Pay close attention to your children
Acting ASP Michael Jackman urged parents to take the time to monitor their children, and address any changes in their behaviour with the opening of the new school term on Monday.
Speaking during today's weekly press briefing at the police administration building on Sackville Street, Port of Spain, Jackman said parents were ultimately responsible for the safety and well-being of their children.
He said parents should be observant of their children's behaviours during the school term and take the time to talk to their children about their experiences at school.
"Be reminded that as parents and guardians you have a responsibility and indeed a duty of care to exercise over all those under your charge. Be observant, taking time to pay attention to behaviours exhibited by your child that may seem uncharacteristic or unusual. Sudden changes in their behaviour may be a sign that something is wrong and timely intervention can assist greatly in addressing most issues.
"Ensuring that there are reliable transportation facilities in place for their safe conveyance to and from school, make arrangements that they are properly supervised before leaving the school."
Jackman said pedestrian safety was also of great concern to the police service for children and urged students to make use of footpaths, Zebra and Pelican crossings where practical. He also advised children to walk on the side of the roadway where vehicular traffic was in the opposite direction in places where there were no footpaths.
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"Police: Pay close attention to your children"